sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

Getting off this mode

Well I guess that now is finally time to end this period of "information" on the blog.

I think that my passionate opinions about the future of the Força Aérea Brasileira and the choice of its new fighter model have reached the final point and the only good thing able to be done by now is to wait!

I have been doing an attack to the normal media due to its small capacity to deal with the specific information of the fighter aviation world. But my "scream" here in this blog is more like an voiceless screaming...

Anyway I'm glad that the internet made this space available for my "voiceless screams", even about my great deception with the government of my own country in the Honduras incidents.

I'm no longer interested in been an informer of anything, because I know that my opinion will be "corrupted" with my feelings. I'm not a "media man" and besides i'm a bit critical of our modern "media world".

Probably tomorrow I will get back to the "militaria poetry", or maybe even today!


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