sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Let's try a new way...

The blue ocean stares in front of me...

What an incredible vision of beauty...
What a fantastic vision of life...
The definitive proof of creation...
The ocean, the endless blue in the horizon...

I'm here on the deck,
feeling the the wind blowing upon my face...
The sun is shy,
after the rain he's now getting back.

I see the keel cutting the water,
opening the way to the ships moves...
I see the waves behind us,
the result of this monster of metal displacement...

Now the monster seen to be so gentle...

We keep sailing on...
The smoke goes to the air,
not so dark, a bit of grey...
The wind blows faster now,
my body can even feel the rhythm of the ocean...

The engine beats like a heart,
now I feel the immensity of the world...
My heart enters in the rhythm of the engine...

Let's go to other shores,
or other seas...
Let's try a new way for this life.

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